
Pilgrim Journey – Inspiration Packet.

Download your packet of materials for our Pilgrim Journey Arts Retreat Here! Hello fellow pilgrim and welcome to the resource page for Pilgrim Journey. Here you will find a PDF packet of inspiring readings and images to help get your creativity flowing for our event. Feel free to download it to a device of your choice and browse it – hopefully it will get you excited and inspired for the day ahead. If you’re not sure about any of the…

Lunch Club Christmas Hamper Delivery

2020 has been a difficult year with Holy Nativity having to stop many of it’s regular activities to keep everyone safe. One of the things that has been really missed around the community is the Elderly and Disabled Lunch Club on Tuesdays. Today, the volunteers at the lunch club finished the surprise delivery of Christmas hampers! Here is what Sue O’Brien says about it. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the little hampers that…

Let’s Make a Rock Video TOGETHER!

Need to know some actions? Check them out here. Video yourself having fun doing actions, out in the sun, kids running around and so on. Get in touch through all of the usual ways to get the footage to me by 7pm on Friday night! And have fun. It’s supposed to be fun!

Fun Day at Holy Nativity!

This Sunday, Holy Nativity held a Fun Day for the whole community.  From face painting to axe throwing there was something for everyone!  Throughout the day there were all sorts of fun and games going on.  One of the highlights was the adults wheelbarrow race! When my daughter was sad because she had to leave at the end, she announced in the car ‘I love my party church. I want to do it again.’ It was fantastic to see people…
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