Giving to Holy Nativity

Giving to Holy Nativity

Thank You

Firstly, thank you for clicking on this link and thinking about giving to the life and work of Holy Nativity Church here in North Halifax.  We really appreciate you doing that.

A Response to God

Giving is a big part of the Christian life and the way we build community here at Holy Nativity.  Strangely, giving doesn’t begin with us – it begins with God:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

John 3:16

That first Christmas morning, when Mary gazed upon her son, she was looking at the ultimate gift to the world from God.  All giving comes as a response to this ultimate gift to us.  It is wonderful that our church and community is named after God’s generous gift to us in the nativity.


Giving isn’t a transaction.  It is a big part of our spirituality.  It is all about the relationship that we have with God and with each other.  It is about the whole of our life:  prayers, gifts and talents, time, love and service. 

Prayer is at the heart of it all, so pray about it.  Pray about what you would like to give and pray about how you are going to give it.  At the end of the day this is about our relationship with God.

Building Community

The Christian community here at Holy Nativity is funded through the generous giving of people who support the community.  In essence, the work of Holy Nativity Church is funded by the community who worship at Holy Nativity. 

When we read the book of Acts, written two thousand years ago, we see how some of the first followers of Jesus were really radical.  They shared everything that they had with each other.  Although we are a community at Holy Nativity, we don’t live in one big commune together.  Instead, we think about our giving as a “tithe”, which is a small percentage of our income.

Serving the Community

So what is it that we give to?  The Christian community here at Holy Nativity is dedicated to worshipping God and responding to God’s story by serving our communities in Mixenden and Illingworth.   In practical terms this means playing our part in The Diocese of Leeds, working in the community, maintaining the church building that is used to serve the community and using all of our resources to support the local community in the best way that we can.

So on behalf of our lunch club, old folks group, youth group, schools work and…. the list goes on, thank you for all of your support!

Ways to Give

If you would like to contribute to the future of Holy Nativity, there are different ways to do it.  The most effective is by standing order with gift aid.  Like everyone we need to pay the regular bills each month.  Knowing that we have regular income means that we can do that.

If you would like to set up a standing order, it can be done with this form if you prefer to do it via the post. It’s easy to set up online through your bank using our sort code and account number.

Sort Code: 09-01-56
Account Number: 22054007

If you prefer to keep paper records, you can download a form below.

If you would like to make a one off donation, you can do that through Give a Little or PayPal here.

You could also consider signing up to Easy Fundraising.  They will make a small donation to our work when you shop at certain online shops.  It’s not much but it all helps.

Gift Aid

Signing up for gift aid means that Holy Nativity Church can claim an extra 25% on top of your generous gift. You can sign up by filling in this form and sending it back to us.

Any forms can be brought to church or posted to:

37 Hops Lane
West Yorkshire

Poverty Fund

Some of the work we do as a church is directly related to alleviating poverty in the community. For example, during the pandemic we have worked closely with the community to ensure local families have enough food. If you would like to donate to this work, we have a specific fund dedicated solely to that.

Thanks for everything you do to make Holy Nativity what it is.