Posts from December 2022

Youth Group Christmas

We’ve had a lot of fun at Youth Group in the Autumn term. We finished with a Christmas party at which David made us play the silliest of games – I can remember eating Dairy Milk with a knife and fork when I was a kid! For the last Youth Group of 2022 we decided to go ten pin bowling! What a fun night that was. And it is always entertaining to see the smallest kids try to eat the…

The Christmas Fair

December has seen us have a very busy Advent at Holy Nativity. The church has become a constant hive of activity for the whole month! We began with season with The Christmas Fair at which the whole community came together to begin the preparations for Christmas. We were really pleased to be able to jointly organise the fair with Ash green Primary School. For the last couple of years it hasn’t been possible for people to get together to celebrate…