Children (Page 4)

Fun Day at Holy Nativity!

This Sunday, Holy Nativity held a Fun Day for the whole community.  From face painting to axe throwing there was something for everyone!  Throughout the day there were all sorts of fun and games going on.  One of the highlights was the adults wheelbarrow race! When my daughter was sad because she had to leave at the end, she announced in the car ‘I love my party church. I want to do it again.’ It was fantastic to see people…

The Big Night Out

Today we went to the Big Night Out at Lightwater Valley with 16 teenagers!  What a great day it was!  Rides and sunshine, a picnic and some great bands! The Big Night Out is the biggest church youth event in the north of England.  Thousands of young people enjoying themselves in the sun and having fun!  Brightline were really good as the evening’s entertainment! Now we’re all tired and back on the coach home!  Another fantastic year!!

Little Angels Easter Egg Hunt

This morning, Holy Nativity’s Little Angels Toddler Group celebrated Easter with a special event around the church grounds.  Hundreds of eggs were hidden as our toddlers and their parents went hunting for them.  Excited little girls and boys hunted around to find the plastic eggs and then swap them for the much covetted chocolate eggs. Easter is a wonderful time to celebrate!  On Easter Day (Sunday 27th) the day begins with a bonfire in the church park at 8am followed…


Tonight we did Shrove Tuesday in style as members of the community came to Holy Nativity for pancakes.  Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday is the time when Christians would get rid of all of the fatty food from the house ready for the start of lent.  We kept this tradition by consuming all of the pancakes in the world. As we don’t say “Alleluia” during lent we shouted it a lot tonight.  And sang it a lot too!  Then we coloured in…

The Big Night Out

Holy Nativity took a trip to The Big Night Out at Lightwater Valley.  One of the group has written about the afternoon. On Saturday 10th May, 13 teenagers set off to Light Water Valley with Robb, Ruth and Michelle on a coach with groups of other teenagers from other churches to participate in the big night out – a chance for young Christians to get together and have fun. When we arrived at Light Water Valley the weather was fine…