Posts from 2021

New Music | Lord You Hear The Cry

In our online worship for the last year, we have recorded a lot of songs. Lord You Hear The Cry is a song we were just starting to sing at Holy Natvitity before the pandemic. Robb and Ruth recently recorded it for online services.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

It was wonderful to be able to meet together as a community and celebrate Easter around the fire! After a lent that feels like it has lasted for 57 weeks, we sang Jesus Christ `is Risen Today at the top of our voices! The last 12 months living with Covid 19 have felt like a great darkness for everyone across the globe. This morning we are reminded that out of Darkness comes light. From the cross comes resurrection. We met…

Holy Nativity Brings the Hope of Easter to the Community. #HNEasterJoy

Today, Holy Nativity shared some hope for the future with the local community as it gave 500 Easter eggs to local children. Revd Robb and the church community organised the eggs for every pupil at Ash Green Primary School. “This past 12 months has been so hard for everyone, none more so than our children” says Revd Robb.  “We have seen childhoods disrupted for everyone.  Lockdown has taken it’s toll on the whole family and it is important to ensure…

Holy Week 2021 | Services

Friends, This third lockdown has been a very difficult time for us all.  This week marks a full year of our worship together being online with occasional in person said services when it has been safe to do so.  I long for that point where we can meet together and sing the Lord’s song at the top of our voices once again!  Ruth and I miss you all a great deal. Palm Sunday Holy Week is with us once more.…

Day of Reflection | One Year Later

Today marks a year since the first lockdown on March 23rd 2020. As we reflect on the past year, we remembering all of those who have lost their lives, their family and friends. We also give thanks to the many heroes who have kept us going in the past year. Tonight we will be holding a live service over on our YouTube channel to bring all of these things before God in prayer. We would love to have you come…

In Person Services Suspended

After consultation between the leadership of the church, it has been decided that we should suspend in person worship on Sunday Morning during the third lockdown. This isn’t a decision that has been taken lightly but we believe it is in the best interests of the community for us to keep one another and the wider community safe by working together with the rest of the country to stop the spread of Covid 19. These continue to be difficult times…