Ash Green Learn About Holy Week

Ash Green Learn About Holy Week

Year 1 and 2 from Ash Green Primary School came to Holy Nativity to learn about Holy Week. Revd Lindsey taught the pupils all about Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem by acting it out using palm branches.

Revd Robb talked about Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. Then we learned what the significance was for Christians and how the Last Supper is an important part of our worship each Sunday. One volunteer from each group came up to the altar and acted out what we do at the Eucharist each week. They looked fantastic in the children’s play priest outfits that were specially made for Holy Nativity’s Children’s Corner.

“I can’t believe how good they were at showing the class what we do with the bread and wine” says Revd Robb. “The first thing she said was ‘is this like the last supper?’ and I replied ‘I’ll leave you to teach this lesson without me!’ It’s wonderful to have such confidence coming from children as young as year 1 and 2”.

The final thing we did was make red banners for holy week by drawing around the palms of our hands and making ‘palm’ crosses. The congregation are going to love seeing them on Sunday Morning!


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