Easter 2015

This year, Holy Nativity Church has had a wonderful Holy Week and Easter.  Palm Sunday was a fun morning of all age worship as the community celebrated Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.  On Thursday night there was a wonderful gathering around the dinner table as we shared bread and wine together and remembered the last supper.  During the service, Robb washed the feet of those gathered as the community discussed talked what it means to serve others in our wider community.

On Good Friday we followed the stations of the cross together.  During the service the whole congregation painted different aspects of the stations in acrylics on canvass.  This then became the focal point of the weekend as we placed it in front of the altar.  This was a great focus at the afternoon vigil.

When Easter morning arrived it began gathered around the fire in the Church park.  As the fire was lit the old paschal candle and holy oils were burned.  Fr Peter Stoodley came as a guest to lead the service.  He lit the new paschal candle from the fire as we sang Jesus Christ is Risen Today.  As we reentered the Church we shared communion together.  The 8am service is always really special as the community celebrate the resurrection together.

Following the 8am service it was butty time.  Lots of people laughing and joking together around the breakfast table whilst eating cereal, bacon butties and sausage butties.  Yum!

The 10am service was for all ages.  A large congregation gathered together as we sang all of our favourite joyful Easter songs.  The whole church was filled with candles as we remembered the light of Christ.  Robb talked about the meaning of Easter – a revolutionary moment that signals change for people and their relationship with God and a revolution that calls us all to work towards God’s kingdom here on Earth as in Heaven.

During all of this the children made Easter gardens out of biscuits.  The Easter gardens that people started a few weeks earlier in seed trays were also brought back to church and displayed.

To finish it all off, everyone shared bubbly after the service as the celebrations continued out into the world.

Jesus Christ is Risen Today!  Alleluia!!!


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