United Adoration and Holy Nativity invite you to a day of creativity exploring the theme of Pilgrimage with Andy Clark & Elise Massa 24th – 25th May 2024!
However you create – songwriters, visual artists, writers, poets, and more… you are welcome! This retreat is designed to create a unique sacred space where artists, creatives, and those interested in worshipping through the arts can come together for a dedicated time of creativity, collaboration, fun, and encouragement.
Booking for the Saturday retreat includes an invitation to Friday night’s Live Lounge, a concert with hosts Robb & Ruth Sutherland and retreat leaders Andy Clark & Elise Massa.
This will be an inspiring evening of music and getting to know one and other in an informal setting alongside members of the local community. An opportunity to sharpen our creative skills and broaden our imaginations, and just have a little fun.
Click REGISTER here or above to book your place.
Local discount code for residents of the parish Mixendencreative (enter at checkout for £5 entry).